There are some people who can walk into any room, say one word, and instantly be unforgettable.
I can probably count those people on one hand as they’re the few wonderful men and women who had a profound impact on my life over the years.
Some have a natural knack for leaving a mark, while others hone, develop, and magnify this awesome human ability.
We can all recall those who have entered the room, and in that first moment, carved an indelible mark on us. I believe “love at first sight” is this phenomenon in action.
The benefits of being able to stand out the moment you walk into any room are insanely cool: commanding the respect of your peers, being seen as CEO material, landing the job, getting that promotion or raise, successfully pitching your startup idea, getting funded, being heard in a meeting, meeting the love of your life, etc.
Being unforgettable the second you say “Hello” is the result of the magnification of four untapped human superpowers. When properly harnessed and deployed, these capabilities give you the ability to walk into any room, have immediate impact, and be instantly memorable.
Here they are:
1. Supreme body confidence
The ability to adopt a mind and body attitude of sheer grit and determination within seconds, whenever you need.
This is a truly powerful ability because it can burn through the fog of any nerves and anxiety you may feel when faced with a daunting public speaking task, or other life or career changing opportunity where you must be at your best, or risk failure.
This is one of my favorite things to do with my executive clients—helping them activate charismatic confidence, in a flash, for maximum impact on their audiences.
2. Being fully yourself
The ability to do YOU all the time—to show people your heart, without being afraid to look like an asshole or a freak is a badass skill.
Dare yourself to publicly be the person you are in private: the way you talk, behave, laugh, etc.
It may feel that by being less smiley you’re going to come across as boring and uninteresting but you won’t. Try it for one day—it’s fun! See the way people positively respond, and are attracted to your authentic (and true) self.
3. Ignite with fun
The ability to lite yourself up with an empowered, cathartic, and alive sense of fun.
This is some serious and perhaps dangerous fun. It’s not to be confused with mundane everyday unengaged play. It’s the kind of fun you feel when you climb Everest for the first time, or the feeling of that marvelous gut punch you get when meeting the love of your life, and every other time you see them thereafter. It’s the kind of fun that takes your breath away.
4. Not being desperate
The ability to not reek of desperation.
There are risks to being fully yourself and not caring what people think: rejection, failure, public condemnation, among many others.
With regards to doing this work, the fear of failure is the only limiting factor that separates the doers from the dreamers. If you can find a way discard your fear, and walk out onto the thin ice of possible rejection, you can live the life that you’re meant for—one of unimaginable happiness and mega success beyond your wildest dreams.
Show Them Your Heart
Fearlessly show people your heart. How? By being yourself—the person you are in private, when you know that no one is looking. By sharing this inside face—the one that may feel less safe—you will instantly reflect more humanity when you speak.
Think of the people who really shake the room when they enter. What do they do? They effect change and have immediate and sudden impact.
Think of fear as perhaps your most powerful resource and be willing and ready to convert it into your greatest asset: confidence.
What is confidence other than your belief in your own capability?
When it comes to your confidence in a particular field, this isn't something you can master overnight. I help my clients develop genuine impactful attractive confidence within seconds to effect maximum change in their audiences.
If you've ever had the pleasure of speaking with a truly remarkable CEO or world leader--one who has made an almost mythological reputation for themselves of visionary thinking and calculated risk taking--you'll see they radiate this unshakable belief in themselves.
Confidence starts in your body and soon triggers mental and emotional confidence (EXPAND WITH INFO ABOUT YOUR PROCESS…..)
When the goal is to consistently stand out from your competition, this is of utmost importance.
The truth is that many of us aren't born with the indelible charisma and conviction of Branson, Jobs, or Wintour.
Think of the people who really shake the room when they enter. What do they do? They effect change.
The good news is that you have everything it takes to be interesting and change effecting.
Many people feel they aren't interesting enough to be leaders, so they hide behind what they think they should be.
With the right laser-guided preparation deployed consistently and fearlessly, you can leave a lasting impression when it matters.
This article was originally published on Inc.